Thursday, 14 November 2019

Corbans Estate Trip


Yesterday our middle school syndicate went to the Corbans Estate. We saw the Pacific Mamas and got there on a bus.

At the Corbans Estate we got to say hello in different languages and we got to do some druming. Also we made leis and did a dance at the end. It was fun and exciting.

I learnt a lot of fun things like drumming and leis, not to forget the dance at the end. The drumming was super fun. We learnt how to go along with the beat and we did a sort of easy beat. When we made the leis we had to follow easy step. The steps were flower, straw, flower, straw and on like that and when we had enough we gave it to the mamas and they tied it for us. Finally I learnt the dance and I had fun.
We learnt about a lot of thing about cultures.

Yesterday was a fun day but we had to leave so we got in the bus and drove off and we got back to school.   Blog you later.

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